We have a number of key issues facing our community. A few that are extremely important to me include the following…


As a former Executive Director for the Superior Chamber of Commerce, I have a passion for supporting local companies. I believe that businesses support businesses, so we should focus our efforts on thoughtful economic development that capitalizes on that concept. Concentrating on development that sustains our local industries, strengthens our tax base, and supports our residents to maximize the potential of our community.


We live in an incredible part of Colorado with transportation resources that allow us to easily get to Denver or recreational fun in the mountains. I believe making sure we utilize and continually evaluate these transportation options will benefit our area and bring in others to support our businesses. Plus, bolstering public transportation will further our environmental sustainability goals (which is something we can all get behind!)


As a Marshall Fire victim, I want to ensure we don’t lose sight of our continued healing and rebuilding efforts. For those who are still navigating their recovery, how can we continue to support and walk alongside them in their journey? What can we do to lighten their burden? How can we streamline their rebuild?

In addition, it’s important to continue looking for ways we can mitigate fire risk in the future. I’d like to explore additional methods for lowering fire fuel so we can safeguard our community against a future disaster.


If Superior voters choose to move forward with the Home Rule Charter (which I fervently hope they do), I would be honored to assist Town staff and residents through the transition.  I believe Home Rule would be a wonderful, long-awaited step towards Superior having more autonomy in determining our own future.

To learn more about the proposed Home Rule Charter, visit the Town’s website here.